This is the first of a series of 'Galactic Doodles' [large scaled, cognitive space drawings... organically shaped, candy-colored, gestural forms inspired by amoebae, ice-cream, outer space, and whatever else happens to be floating around within my subconciousness at any given moment] | Galactic Doodle No. 1 ...this was a commissioned piece for an amazing little courtyard hidden within the heart of downtown Florence. With an ancient brick wall as my canvas, I wanted to create a juxtaposition of color and form to express a whimsical 'space-drawing' that would reference the mid-century theme of the garden, without blanketing the rough, linear beauty of the wall... so, i decided to step out of my comfort zone and work with bold electric color and a smooth organic surface. This was the result... |
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tb.comSculpture Archives
November 2022